
VMware Cloud Director Provider 3.10

The VMware Cloud Director provider is used to interact with the resources supported by VMware Cloud Director. The provider needs to be configured with the proper credentials before it can be used.

Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources. Please refer to CHANGELOG.md to track feature additions.


The VMware Cloud Director Provider documentation pages include v2.x+ or v3.x+ labels in resource and/or field descriptions. These labels are designed to show at which provider version a certain feature was introduced. When upgrading the provider please check for such labels for the resources you are using.

Supported VCD Versions

The following Cloud Director versions are supported by this provider:

  • 10.3
  • 10.4
  • 10.5

Also Cloud Director Service (CDS) is supported.

Example Usage

Connecting as Org Admin

The most common – tenant – use case when you set user to organization administrator and when all resources are in a single organization.

# Configure the VMware Cloud Director Provider
provider "vcd" {
  user                 = var.vcd_user
  password             = var.vcd_pass
  auth_type            = "integrated"
  org                  = var.vcd_org
  vdc                  = var.vcd_vdc
  url                  = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout    = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

# Create a new network in organization and VDC defined above
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net" {
  # ...

Connecting as Sys Admin

When you want to manage resources across different organizations from a single configuration.

# Configure the VMware Cloud Director Provider
provider "vcd" {
  user                 = "administrator"
  password             = var.vcd_pass
  auth_type            = "integrated"
  org                  = "System"
  url                  = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout    = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

# Create a new network in some organization and VDC
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net1" {
  org = "Org1"
  vdc = "Org1VDC"

  # ...

# Create a new network in a different organization and VDC
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net2" {
  org = "Org2"
  vdc = "Org2VDC"

  # ...

Connecting as Sys Admin with Default Org and VDC

When you want to manage resources across different organizations but set a default one.

# Configure the VMware Cloud Director Provider
provider "vcd" {
  user                 = "administrator"
  password             = var.vcd_pass
  auth_type            = "integrated"
  sysorg               = "System"
  org                  = var.vcd_org # Default for resources
  vdc                  = var.vcd_vdc # Default for resources
  url                  = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout    = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

# Create a new network in the default organization and VDC
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net1" {
  # ...

# Create a new network in a specific organization and VDC
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net2" {
  org = "OrgZ"
  vdc = "OrgZVDC"

  # ...

Connecting with authorization or bearer token

You can connect using an authorization token instead of username and password.

provider "vcd" {
  user                 = "none"
  password             = "none"
  auth_type            = "token"
  token                = var.token
  sysorg               = "System"
  org                  = var.vcd_org # Default for resources
  vdc                  = var.vcd_vdc # Default for resources
  url                  = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout    = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

# Create a new network in the default organization and VDC
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net1" {
  # ...

When using a token, the fields user and password will be ignored, but they need to be in the script.

Connecting with an API token/API token file

With VCD 10.3.1+, you can connect using an API token, as defined in the documentation. The API token is not a bearer token, but one will be created and automatically used by the Terraform provider when an API token is supplied. You can create an API token file by utilizing the vcd_api_token resource.

Example usage (API token)

provider "vcd" {
  user                 = "none"
  password             = "none"
  auth_type            = "api_token"
  api_token            = var.api_token
  sysorg               = "System"
  org                  = var.vcd_org # Default for resources
  vdc                  = var.vcd_vdc # Default for resources
  url                  = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout    = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

# Create a new network in the default organization and VDC
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net1" {
  # ...

Example usage (API token file)

provider "vcd" {
  user                 = "none"
  password             = "none"
  auth_type            = "api_token_file"
  api_token            = "token.json"
  sysorg               = "System"
  org                  = var.vcd_org # Default for resources
  vdc                  = var.vcd_vdc # Default for resources
  url                  = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout    = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

# Create a new network in the default organization and VDC
resource "vcd_network_routed" "net1" {
  # ...

The file containing the API token needs to be readable and writable, in json format with the API key. e.g:


Note that when connecting with API tokens you can’t create or modify users, roles, global roles, or rights bundles.

Connecting with a Service Account API token

With VCD 10.4.0+, similar to API token file, you can connect using a service account API token, as defined in the documentation. Because a new API token is provided on every authentication request, the user is required to provide a readable+writable file in json format with the current API key. e.g:


Note that the file will be rewritten at every usage, and the updated file will have additional fields, such as

  "token_type": "Service Account",
  "refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "updated_by": "terraform-provider-vcd/v3.9.0 (darwin/arm64; isProvider:true)",
  "updated_on": "2023-04-18T14:33:07+02:00"

The API token file is sensitive data and it’s up to the user to secure it.


The service account needs to be in Active Stage and it’s up to the user to provide the initial API token. A service account can be created using the service_account resource, also it can be done using a sample shell script for creating, authorizing and activating a VCD Service Account can be found in the repository

provider "vcd" {
  auth_type                  = "service_account_token_file"
  service_account_token_file = "token.json"
  sysorg                     = "System"
  org                        = var.vcd_org # Default for resources
  vdc                        = var.vcd_vdc # Default for resources
  url                        = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout          = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl       = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

Shell script to obtain a bearer token

To obtain a bearer token you can use this sample shell script:


if [ -z "$IP" ]
    echo "Syntax $0 user password organization hostname_or_IP_address"
    exit 1

os=$(uname -s)
is_linux=$(echo "$os" | grep -i linux)
if [ -n "$is_linux" ]
  options="-w 0"

auth=$(echo -n "$user@$org:$password" |base64 $options)

curl -I -k --header "Accept: application/*;version=32.0" \
    --header "Authorization: Basic $auth" \
    --request POST https://$IP/api/sessions

If successful, the output of this command will include lines like the following:

X-VCLOUD-AUTHORIZATION: 08a321735de84f1d9ec80c3b3e18fa8b
X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yIiwiaXNzIjoiYTkzYzlkYjktNzQ3MS0zMTkyLThkMDktYThmN2VlZGE4NWY5QGY5MDZlODE1LTM0NjgtNGQ0ZS04MmJlLTcyYzFjMmVkMTBiMyIsImV4cCI6MTYwNzUxMjgyOCwidmVyc2lvbiI6InZjbG91ZF8xLjAiLCJqdGkiOiJjY2IwZjIwN2JjY2Y0NmYwYmEwNTcyNzgxZDQyNDg2MyJ9.SMjp5wsSd7CXGMdlj-weeCRdr5AazA74pwwx2w3Eqh3RdzyiEMvQfWQAuPAQjM1oOsEUnFOg2u0gYsnIyQg_p7kzXKPQwPNz3BPi0tm2DxxQtQVhOBRXCqUJ9OmRlMVu7FZZ6gKD4GhpbTkZyKMN_IgOFkkt8iXs1-weNZw5TmyVHeWiJdV0JFM45CV47jQNdQMy4OSsU-CqE2VVLOK83oJhRnlnc3O4OAAIfuVZ4SLWqgi1lIoc2vbZv0HYeWO7L_2pGfmja8CVzVhPrgIGEoDhXnvO29z1ToEXRnyMKh9cisiRkhUISpsh4aHRGUUzaZYeOejVX3PAO9aCX3iYWA

The string after `X-VCLOUD-AUTHORIZATION:` is the old (deprecated) token.
The string after `X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN` is the bearer token

Either token will grant the same abilities as the account used to run the above script. Note, however, that the deprecated token may not work in recent VCD versions.

Using a token produced by an org admin to run a task that requires a system administrator will fail.

Connecting with SAML user using Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and setting custom Relaying Party Trust Identifier

Take special attention to useruse_saml_adfs and saml_rpt_id fields.

# Configure the VMware Cloud Director Provider
provider "vcd" {
  user      = "test@contoso.com"
  password  = var.vcd_pass
  sysorg    = "my-org"
  auth_type = "saml_adfs"
  # If `saml_adfs_rpt_id` is not specified - VCD SAML Entity ID will be used automatically
  saml_adfs_rpt_id     = "my-custom-rpt-id"
  org                  = var.vcd_org # Default for resources
  vdc                  = var.vcd_vdc # Default for resources
  url                  = var.vcd_url
  max_retry_timeout    = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
  allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

Argument Reference

The following arguments are used to configure the VMware Cloud Director Provider:

  • user – (Required) This is the username for Cloud Director API operations. Can also be specified with the VCD_USER environment variable. v2.0+ user may be “administrator” (set org or sysorg to “System” in this case). v2.9+ When using with SAML and ADFS – username format must be in Active Directory format – user@contoso.com or contoso.com\user in combination with use_saml_adfs option.
  • password – (Required) This is the password for Cloud Director API operations. Can also be specified with the VCD_PASSWORD environment variable.
  • auth_type – (Optional) integratedtokenapi_tokenservice_account_token_file or saml_adfs. Default is integrated. Can also be set with VCD_AUTH_TYPE environment variable.
    • integrated – VCD local users and LDAP users (provided LDAP is configured for Organization).
    • saml_adfs allows to use SAML login flow with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) using “/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed” endpoint. Please note that credentials for ADFS should be formatted as user@contoso.com or contoso.com\usersaml_adfs_rpt_id can be used to specify a different RPT ID.
    • token allows to specify token in token field.
    • api_token allows to specify an API token.
    • api_token_file allows to specify a file containing an API token.
    • service_account_token_file allows to specify a file containing a service account’s token.
  • token – (Optional; v2.6+) This is the bearer token that can be used instead of username and password (in combination with field auth_type=token). When this is set, username and password will be ignored, but should be left in configuration either empty or with any custom values. A token can be specified with the VCD_TOKEN environment variable. Both a (deprecated) authorization token or a bearer token (v3.1+) can be used in this field.
  • api_token – (Optional; v3.5+) This is the API token that a System or organization administrator can create and distribute to users. It is used instead of username and password (in combination with auth_type=api_token). When this field is filled, username and password are ignored. An API token can also be specified with the VCD_API_TOKEN environment variable. This token requires at least VCD 10.3.1. There are restrictions to its use, as defined in the documentation
  • api_token_file – (Optional; v3.10+)) Same as api_token, only provided as a JSON file. Can also be specified with the VCD_API_TOKEN_FILE environment variable.
  • service_account_token_file – (Optional; v3.9+, VCD 10.4+) This is the file that contains a Service Account API token. The path to the file could be provided as absolute or relative to the working directory. It is used instead of username and password (in combination with auth_type=service_account_token_file. The file can also be specified with the VCD_SA_TOKEN_FILE environment variable. There are restrictions to its use, as defined in the documentation
  • allow_service_account_token_file – (Optional; v3.9+, VCD 10.4+) When using auth_type=service_account_token_file, if set to true, will suppress a warning to the user about the service account token file containing sensitive information. Can also be set with VCD_ALLOW_SA_TOKEN_FILE.
  • saml_adfs_rpt_id – (Optional) When using auth_type=saml_adfs VCD SAML entity ID will be used as Relaying Party Trust Identifier (RPT ID) by default. If a different RPT ID is needed – one can set it using this field. It can also be set with VCD_SAML_ADFS_RPT_ID environment variable.
  • org – (Required) This is the Cloud Director Org on which to run API operations. Can also be specified with the VCD_ORG environment variable.
    v2.0+ org may be set to “System” when connection as Sys Admin is desired (set user to “administrator” in this case).
    Note: org value is case sensitive.
  • sysorg – (Optional; v2.0+) – Organization for user authentication. Can also be specified with the VCD_SYS_ORG environment variable. Set sysorg to “System” and user to “administrator” to free up org argument for setting a default organization for resources to use.
  • url – (Required) This is the URL for the Cloud Director API endpoint. e.g. https://server.domain.com/api. Can also be specified with the VCD_URL environment variable.
  • vdc – (Optional) This is the virtual datacenter within Cloud Director to run API operations against. If not set the plugin will select the first virtual datacenter available to your Org. Can also be specified with the VCD_VDC environment variable.
  • max_retry_timeout – (Optional) This provides you with the ability to specify the maximum amount of time (in seconds) you are prepared to wait for interactions on resources managed by Cloud Director to be successful. If a resource action fails, the action will be retried (as long as it is still within the max_retry_timeout value) to try and ensure success. Defaults to 60 seconds if not set. Can also be specified with the VCD_MAX_RETRY_TIMEOUT environment variable.
  • maxRetryTimeout – (Deprecated) Use max_retry_timeout instead.
  • allow_unverified_ssl – (Optional) Boolean that can be set to true to disable SSL certificate verification. This should be used with care as it could allow an attacker to intercept your auth token. If omitted, default value is false. Can also be specified with the VCD_ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_SSL environment variable.
  • logging – (Optional; v2.0+) Boolean that enables API calls logging from upstream library go-vcloud-director. The logging file will record all API requests and responses, plus some debug information that is part of this provider. Logging can also be activated using the VCD_API_LOGGING environment variable.
  • logging_file – (Optional; v2.0+) The name of the log file (when logging is enabled). By default is go-vcloud-director and it can also be changed using the VCD_API_LOGGING_FILE environment variable.
  • import_separator – (Optional; v2.5+) The string to be used as separator with terraform import. By default it is a dot (.).
  • ignore_metadata_changes – (Optional; Experimental; v3.10+) Use one or more of these blocks to ignore specific metadata entries from being changed by this Terraform provider after creation or when they were created outside Terraform. See “Ignore Metadata Changes” for more details.

Ignore metadata changes

=> This is an EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE that may change in a future release.

One or more ignore_metadata_changes blocks can be optionally set in the provider configuration, which will allow to ignore specific metadata_entry items during all Terraform operations. This is useful, for example, to avoid removing metadata entries that were created by an external actor, or after they were created by Terraform.


Note that this feature is only considered when using the metadata_entry argument in the resources and data sources that support it. In other words, to ignore metadata when the deprecated metadata argument is used, please use the native Terraform lifecycle.ignore_changes block.


Be aware that setting a metadata_entry in the Terraform configuration that matches any ignore_metadata_changes can produce inconsistent results, as the metadata will be stored in state but nothing will be done in VCD. Using ignore_metadata_changes with matching metadata entries in the code is NOT recommended. In the event that it contains such conflict, though, the ensuing action can be controlled with conflict_action, which can be errorwarn or none.

The available sub-attributes for ignore_metadata_changes are:

  • resource_type – (Optional) Specifies the resource type which metadata needs to be ignored. If set, the resource type must be one of: “vcd_catalog”“vcd_catalog_item”“vcd_catalog_media”“vcd_catalog_vapp_template”“vcd_independent_disk”“vcd_network_direct”“vcd_network_isolated”“vcd_network_isolated_v2”“vcd_network_routed”“vcd_network_routed_v2”“vcd_org”“vcd_org_vdc”“vcd_provider_vdc”“vcd_storage_profile”“vcd_vapp”“vcd_vapp_vm” or “vcd_vm”, which are the resources compatible with metadata_entry.
  • resource_name– (Optional) Specifies the name of the entity in VCD which metadata needs to be ignored. This attribute can be used with any kind of resource_type, except for vcd_storage_profile which cannot be filtered by name.
  • key_regex– (Optional) A regular expression that can filter out metadata keys that match. Either key_regex or value_regex are required on each block.
  • value_regex– (Optional) A regular expression that can filter out metadata values that match. Either key_regex or value_regex are required on each block.
  • conflict_action – (Optional) Defines what to do if a conflict exists between a metadata_entry that is managed by Terraform, and it matches the criteria defined in the ignore_metadata_changes block, as the metadata will be stored in state but nothing will be done in VCD. If the value is error, when this happens, any read operation (like a Plan or Refresh) will fail. When the value is warn, it will just give a warning but the operation will continue, and with the none value nothing will be shown. Defaults to error.


The conflict_action mechanism will be evaluated on every read, including terraform destroy, as it will trigger a refresh before deleting resources. To avoid this situation, we can use the -refresh=false option.

Note that these attributes are evaluated as a logical and. This means that the snippet below would ignore all metadata entries that belong to the specific Organization named “client1” and which keys match the regular expression [Ee]nvironment:

provider "vcd" {
  # ...
  ignore_metadata_changes {
    resource_type = "vcd_org"
    resource_name = "client1"
    key_regex     = "[Ee]nvironment"
    # Setting this value to 'warn' will make all 'metadata_entry' entries that
    # are managed by Terraform and that are ignored to give a warning to the user.
    conflict_action = "warn"

We can have more than one block, to ignore more entries:

provider "vcd" {
  # ...

  # Filters all metadata with key "Environment" or "environment" in all VCD objects with any name.
  ignore_metadata_changes {
    key_regex = "^[Ee]nvironment$"

  # Filters all metadata with key "NiceMetadataKey" in all VCD objects named "SpecificName".
  ignore_metadata_changes {
    resource_name = "SpecificName"
    key_regex     = "^NiceMetadataKey$"

  # Filters all metadata with values "Yes" in the Organization named "Tatooine".
  ignore_metadata_changes {
    resource_type = "vcd_org"
    resource_name = "Tatooine"
    value_regex   = "^Yes$"

resource "vcd_org" "my_org" {
  name = "MyOrg"
  # ...

  # This entry will be added, if this Organization has other metadata entries that
  # match the ones defined in the Provider `ignore_metadata_changes` blocks, they will not be
  # deleted.
  metadata_entry {
    key         = "OneKey"
    value       = "OneValue"
    type        = "MetadataStringValue"
    user_access = "READWRITE"
    is_system   = false

Note that this argument does not affect metadata of the data source filters.

Connection Cache (2.0+)

Cloud Director connection calls can be expensive, and if a definition file contains several resources, it may trigger multiple connections. There is a cache engine, disabled by default, which can be activated by the VCD_CACHE environment variable. When enabled, the provider will not reconnect, but reuse an active connection for up to 20 minutes, and then connect again.

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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function have_posts() on null in /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/inc/blog.php:398 Stack trace: #0 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/widgets/latest-posts/widget.php(257): fox56_blog_grid(NULL, Array) #1 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/widgets/latest-posts/register.php(33): include('/home/host18670...') #2 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php(394): Wi_Widget_Latest_Posts->widget(Array, Array) #3 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-includes/widgets.php(845): WP_Widget->display_callback(Array, Array) #4 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/inc/single.php(418): dynamic_sidebar('sidebar') #5 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/inc/single.php(136): fox56_single_sidebar() #6 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/inc/single.php(7): fox56_single_inner() #7 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/single.php(23): fox56_single() #8 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('/home/host18670...') #9 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/host18670...') #10 /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/index.php(17): require('/home/host18670...') #11 {main} thrown in /home/host1867038/the-devops.ru/htdocs/www/wp-content/themes/fox/inc/blog.php on line 398